Osteopathy and Pregnancy

Osteopathic treatment during pregnancy is a wonderful, gentle way of helping the body to adapt to the changes that are taking place. The safety of mother and baby is our first concern. After a thorough assessment, careful treatment may help to relieve some of the musculoskeletal symptoms associated with pregnancy. These may include low back pain, groin or pelvic pains, leg pain or wrist Problems. Osteopathy for pregnancy is not new. We have been helping new mothers through the rigours of pregnancy and childbirth for many years. Many women report feeling better-prepared to face labour after a course of osteopathic treatment. A wide variety of gentle techniques are used to help a woman cope with the muscular and ligamentous strains placed on her body by its changing shape. These are supplemented by appropriate exercises and postural advice. The first few months of motherhood can also be a physically challenging time. With a body still recovering from carrying a baby for 9 months, and all the physical demands of a newborn, many mothers find osteopathic treatment helps them to stay healthy.

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