Neck Pain

Pain and stiffness in the neck is a very common complaint. It can affect one or both sides of the neck and can travel down to the shoulder, or around the shoulder blades, into the arm, or up into the base of the skull and even the jaw. It can vary in severity from a dull ache to a sharp intense pain.

Associated symptoms include:

  • Tingling in the arm or fingers
  • Numbness in the arm or fingers
  • Weakness in the arm
  • Headaches
  • Tension in the muscles around neck and shoulders
  • Difficulty moving head.
  • Disturbed sleep due to pain

There are many causes for neck pain. They include:

  • Degenerative changes, osteoarthritis
  • Muscle tension, muscle imbalance, myofascial trigger points
  • Restriction to spinal joints
  • Trauma to the area, whiplash injuries, falls etc
  • Disc injury
  • Postural imbalances
  • Recurrent postural stresses, eg many hours spent looking at a computer screen
  • Emotional stresses are often reflected in tight muscles, commonly this occurs in the neck and shoulder area.


As with all conditions, the first step is an accurate diagnosis. First we will endeavour to understand the nature of your pain and how it affects you. Examination and biomechanical testing will enable us to find the structures causing pain locally and also any underlying causes.

Treatment may include massage and stretching techniques to relieve painful muscles. Active and passive mobilisation techniques and spinal manipulation to increase joint mobility. Laser therapy and acupuncture needling to treat trigger points. Exercise prescription to work on strength, mobility and posture.

We can give advice on how to prevent and avoid neck pain in the future and also offer preventative treatments.

If immediate treatment is not appropriate, other options will be discussed and further referrals made with your consent.

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